Dec 7th 2017

A Moment We Will Remember Forever

With the passage of Dean Smith’s bill in the House of Representatives this afternoon, marriage equality has become law in Australia.

With the passage of Dean Smith’s bill in the House of Representatives this afternoon, marriage equality has become law in Australia.

GetUp’s marriage equality Campaign Director Sally Rugg said the bill’s passage will be regarded as an extraordinary moment in Australian history.

“Australia has achieved marriage equality, and we will remember this forever,” Sally said.

“The moment that a campaign powered by ordinary people, built by their personal stories made history.”

Ms Rugg said this was a victory to be owned by the millions of Australians who pushed Parliament to make this important legislative change.

“In years to come, the memory of our petitions will fade. We won’t be able to recall how many rallies we went to, how many times we emailed our MP, the punchlines of the ads we’d put on the television, but the change we’ve made from the work we’ve done will be remembered forever,” Ms Rugg said.

“It will be there in a father’s tears of pride as he walks his daughter down the aisle. In the trembling hand of a young man about to get down on one knee. In the moment a teenager realises she’s gay, and knows she doesn’t need to feel afraid.

“It’s there on Christmas mornings, at the gates of school pick-ups, and on the documents that preserve traces of our lives for generations to come.

“Together, with the work of many organisations, community groups and activists across the country, Australia finally recognised all love for what it is. Precious. Worthwhile. Equal.

