Insidious and Intentional: Political Interference and Harassment of the ABC
A record of how the Coalition Government has systematically and relentlessly attacked the ABC, and the risks this creates for the ABC's independence and our communities

Democracy Dossier: Secrecy and Power in Australia’s National Security State
Report exposing Australia's growing culture of secrecy, and how creeping surveillance powers have been misappropriated to target journalists and whistleblowers.

Who controls our media
Who controls our media details the far-reaching effects of media concentration on our democracy... and how to fight them.

Smokescreen: The rhetoric and reality of federal bushfire recovery modelling
This report reviewed what was promised in the wake of the Black Summer fires with what was actually delivered on the ground.

Lies, debates, and silences: How News Corp produces climate scepticism in Australia
This report proved not only that News Corp is negative towards climate action, but they're actively creating debate and confusion while they politicise the issue.

It's Our ABC
This report, published with Per Capita, exposes the $783 million the Coalition has slashed from the ABC's budget since being elected in 2013.

Closing the Caribbean Connection
Closing the Caribbean Connection modelled ways of closing corporate tax cheating loopholes – one of which was adopted by the Turnbull Government just months after its release!

Inside Job: Political Interference at the ABC
This report exposed the intricate web of connections that was corroding our ABC's independence from the inside out. And make clear how we needed to stop it.

The Homegrown Power Plan
The Homegrown Power Plan was a joint project between GetUp and Solar Citizens. The report maps out exactly how Australia can (and must) get to a 100% renewable future in less than a generation – and it's making political waves to this very day.

Dark Money: The hidden millions in Australia's political finance system
This report exposed exactly how only 15% of financial contributions to the major political parties are transparent, and mapped out the path to a better way.

A History of Misconduct: The Case for a Federal Icac
This report reveals a pattern of politicians acting with impunity, turning a blind eye to misconduct and sweeping scandals under the rug – all while making the powerful case for a Federal ICAC.